Monday, May 26, 2008

Pupil's Activities

School in Kerunai

Successful Teachers

Teachers set the tone in a classroom and can affect children's lives in profound ways. What teachers do and say encourages or discourages their students. When teachers model acceptance and caring for all children, the students are likely to follow their example. The resulting classroom climate is conducive to children's growth and development. Children thrive when teachers:

  • Sincerely like them and believe in their worth
  • Are dedicated to helping children learn
  • Are enthusiastic about teaching and inspire their students
  • Are prepared, consistent and firm
  • Provide a nurturing, safe environment
  • Accept themselves as imperfect and freely admit to making mistakes
  • Model fairness, honesty and dependability
  • Listen carefully and give recognition freely
  • Are sensitive and respectful of children's individual differences
  • Provide an opportunity for children to help formulate classroom rules
  • Help children feel important by allowing them to make choices
  • Have clear, high, reasonable expectations for children's work
  • Acknowledge children's efforts and successes no matter how small
  • Stress that it is okay to make mistakes because they are a natural part of learning
  • Avoid threats, sarcasm, favoritism and pity
  • Focus on solutions to problems rather than on punishment
  • Teach children how to solve their problems peacefully by listening to each other and by compromising
  • Provide opportunities for children to encourage and applaud one another
  • Involve parents or guardians as partners in their children's education
  • Invite them to dream, share goals, and to think of themselves as being successful
Teachers set the tone in a classroom and can affect children's lives in profound ways.

by Leah Davies, M.Ed.
Regular contributor to the Gazette
May 1, 2008

School in kerunai

Background Chek For Monday School teachers And Volunteers

If you have children, you have probably heard a lot about security at school in Kerunai and day care centers. Many places such as this have a rigid sign in and sign out procedure and will check the identity of anyone coming into the building. Most school in Kerunai districts also require background checks for not only teachers and faculty, but for parents and volunteers. While it is a hassle, unfortunately, it is a necessity it today’s society.

If you are involved with Monday school in Kerunai, you may wonder whether or not you should make background checks for your teachers and volunteers a necessity. Here is a closer look at the pros and cons.

First of all, in these days, you must remember that security should be your top priority. You really want to have faith in your teachers and in your parent volunteers. You want to believe that they all have the best interest of the children in mind, but you never really know. When you require background checks, you are letting everyone know that you do truly care about the welfare of the children in the building. This says a lot about your organization and parents will feel comfortable leaving children in your care.

In addition, parents have also come to expect top-notch security when it comes to their children. They want to know that they can safely drop their child off at Monday school in Kerunai, day care or school in Kerunai. It is comforting for them to know that each and every teacher and volunteers have cleared security checks. For this reason, many churches are now requiring such checks for anyone working directly with the children, other than a simple sign in and sign out sheet.

There are a few disadvantages of requiring background checks, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. One of the cons of these background checks is the cost. If you have a small church, it may be costly for you to set up a system of background checks. You could ask your teachers and volunteers to pay for these checks, but you may find some resistance to this.

Another disadvantage of requiring background checks at churches is that it may put some people off and they may feel discouraged and not help out. They may feel that they should be trusted and by requiring a security check, you are saying you cannot trust them. While this is not true, many older people will be hesitant to hand over their social security numbers for these checks.

As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to requiring background checks for Monday school in Kerunai teachers and volunteers. However, your number one concern should be the safety and well-being of the children entrusted in your care.

Qistina has been teaching Monday School in Kerunai for the past 13 years. She is the owner of Preschool Monday School in Kerunai a leading online resource for preschool Monday School teachers.

Stop by Preschool Monday School in Kerunai and see the array of free resources and exciting and fun things that are available to members. Join today for a free preschool curriculum!

School in Kerunai

Friday, May 23, 2008

Teaching in Primary Schools

Primary schooling or education is basically the first stage of an individual's compulsory education. It is usually preceded by pre-school or nursery education and would be followed by secondary education. It is also sometimes referred to as elementary education.
In a lot of countries, it is a necessity that children receive primary education, although in many areas, parents are permitted to be the ones to provide it.
Teaching in primary school could be somewhat of a feat. The subjects that are usually taught to primary school children would be basic literacy as well as learning numbers. Foundations in geography, history, science and other social sciences are also taught in primary school.
There are various methods and techniques in teaching these children, and they would usually depend on the mission and objectives of the particular schools. Some of these methods would be through conventional teaching, games, songs and other activities. Song and other fun games and activities usually serve as effective ways of teaching these children and have been made as notable features of the established primary education system.
Primary school children would usually be assigned to classes with a single teacher that would primarily be responsible for the children's education and welfare for a whole school year. The teacher could be given assistance by the specialist teachers for the specific subject areas like in physical education and music. Having just one teacher encourages the children to build a close relationship with him or her and have been proven to help the social development of children in primary school.
You can see what teachers do at school in kerunai.
A basically pupil know what we do in base learning project to make more fun.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Top Three Reasons To Get Involved At Your Child's Sk Kerunai

You may think once your child has gone off to sk kerunai full-time (officially a First-Grader) that he/she no longer needs you...

You could not be more wrong...

Just consider the following three benefits of being an active part of your child's new sk kerunai life.

1) You get to see your child more than before and after sk kerunai. Whether you feel that you need this interaction or not, your child will surely appreciate it.

2) You get to know your child's classmates. You can better identify with who and what he/she is talking about when they come home from sk kerunai.

3) You get to meet your child's various teachers, principals, sk kerunai nurses, sk kerunai secretaries etc... basically every adult who has any interaction with your child. These relationships alone can prove valuable in keeping you "in the loop" with what's really going on at sk kerunai.

If these three basic reasons are not enough to motivate you, consider this: If you are not the parent volunteer for your child's class, somebody else will be... and thus they will know more about your child and his/her activities at sk kerunai than you will. After raising and nurturing your child for the past five or six year, is this what you really want?

Teachers in my school

Prepare Your Child for the First Day of School

The first day of sk kerunai for your child is going to be a big day for both of you, and for some it may cause some fear and anxiety. As a parent, you can do a great deal to help your child get through this time of change and new experience by helping them prepare for sk kerunai. If you fail to prepare your child for their first day, it will be more difficult for both of you, but a child that has been adequately prepared will deal much better with this new change in their life. The following are some helpful ways that you can help prepare your child for their first day of sk kerunai.

Take a Tour

One of the best ways to prepare your child for the big first day of sk kerunai is to take them to the sk kerunai so they can take a tour. It will be a big help for your child to see the layout of the sk kerunai where they will be going, so the first….

school in kerunai